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The Andrew Robinson Young People's Trust was created to support young people facing a variety of barriers and challenges in life.


The Andrew Robinson Young People's Trust was created to support young people facing a variety of barriers and challenges in life. It was set up after the tragic death of Andrew Robinson aged 33, a fourth year seminarian studying for the Catholic priesthood who contracted terminal bowel cancer. Andrew used to spend much of his time from early on in his life working with disadvantaged children in Coventry. He would organise multiple fundraising events and use the money to take children for a fun day out to Drayton Manor Theme Park with a picnic and treats. He would drop presents at their door at Christmas time and after his diagnosis, he spoke often in schools about Gods love and grace, especially about suffering.


Andrew's family asked for donations to be made at his funeral instead of flowers to continue Andrew's work and were overwhelmed with the money that came in, this lead to the creation of the trust which has now been going for 21 years. Andy's Trust, as it is lovingly known, brings children to Alton Castle for a Christmas residential every year and a weeks holiday camp in the half term. The children who come have faced many hardships, for some facing challenges that no child should have to face.


Every penny raised for the trust goes to the children, there are no paid staff, just an army of fantastic volunteers. The Trust also supports young people to experience the Pilgrimage to Lourdes, we have ran day trips, youth masses and support regular parish youth provision in the city of Coventry.


Our Mission is to continue the work of Andrew Robinson who himself was a great role model for young people. Andrew continually sought God's guidance in his life and tried to witness to His love and Grace with those he came into contact with each day. Andrew also modelled a Christian prayer life and believed strongly in spending time with Jesus each day in order to best live His vocation. Volunteers for the Trust try to live that ethos that every person encountered is a child of God, who is valued, worthy and loved.


We work closely with the Kenelm Youth Trust (KYT). KYT offer their residential centre to us at a subsidised rate, helping to make the trip possible for young people. Their volunteer mission team lead activities for the children at Alton Castle including biking, archery, trekking and climbing.


We also work with Catholic primary and secondary schools in Coventry, whose staff help identify children most in need of the opportunities offered by ARYPT. The Coventry Deanery also works closely with us and many children have been offered places through parishes and our parishes. Many schools have helped to fund-raise for us.

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